How to Get Rid of Mold in the House?
Mold can grow in any type of building, but it’s more common to find it in homes that aren’t well ventilated. If you notice mold on your walls, there are several things you can do to remove it and prevent it from coming back.
1. Identify the type of mold – The first step is to identify what kind of mold you have. Different types of mold have different characteristics and need different treatments to be removed effectively.
2. Clean the area with a soft cloth – You don’t need to spend hours scrubbing at the moldy area, simply clean it with a soft cloth dipped in warm water and baking soda or vinegar. This will help loosen up the dirt and make it easier for you to scrape off later on.
3. Use a paint scraper or knife blade to remove as much of the surface layer as possible before using a stronger chemical solution such as bleach or vinegar-based cleaning solution.
4. Disinfect the area after removing all visible signs of mold with one part bleach per five parts water solution sprayed onto the walls and allowed to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing off with warm water sprayer attachment on shower head (or if not available just rinse off with lots of water).
5. Use a mold killing/preventing spray or paint on any surfaces where you have removed the surface layer of mold (i.e., walls, ceiling, shower tile grout lines etc.).
6. Leave your bathroom fan on to help dry out the area and prevent moisture from building up again in the future.
Consider Calling The Mold Removal Professionals
It is always advisable to call in a professional Sydney mold removal service, such as ABC Mould Cleaning, if you have a significant amount of mold growth in your home. They will be able to remove the mold and prevent it from coming back, which is not something you can do on your own. As you can see from their list of areas that the serve – https://mouldremovalssydney.com.au/sydney/, they can offer you a complete mold removal and remediation service. Don’t take the risk of not removing the mold from your home as it could cause you serious health problems in the future if left untreated.
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